“Gabriel appeared to Mary and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!” Confused and disturbed – frightened, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God!” Luke 1
When heaven (in the form of Gabriel in this case) shows up on earth, we humans generally respond like Mary… “confused and disturbed – frightened”.
And heaven always responds to our fear with “FEAR NOT”.
When my sons were very young, the first Bible verse that they learned was “When I am afraid I will trust in God.”
“When” not “if”.
When my sons were afraid, their trust in God freed them to hear and receive the words,
Fear is part of this ‘flesh suit’. Fear comes with this life…non-negotiable.
Elisha is THE miracle man of The Bible and his servant (the only name that we have for him) was with him for every one.
One day he and Elisha found themselves surrounded by an army led by a king who was dead set on killing Elisha.
And…Servant was fearful!
He had seen God do amazing things!
He knew what God could do, and he was still afraid.
He needed to know WHO GOD WAS!
He needed to know that when God is your Father, you have the armies of heaven fighting for you.
He cried out in fear for Elisha to do something.
“DON’T BE AFRAID” Elisha replied, “because there are more on our side than on theirs.”
Servant looked at Elisha like he was crazy!
So, Elisha asked God to open Servants eyes so that he could see.
And God did.
And, all of a sudden he could see the HUGE army of angels in flaming chariots surrounding them.
And, he wasn’t afraid anymore…
The same God, leading the same army of angels, fights for us too!
We might not be able to see them, but they’re there.
“Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name. When you go through deep water, I am with you. When you are swimming in rivers of confusion, you won’t drown. When you walk through fires of hard things, you won’t get burned up. BECAUSE I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD…YOUR SAVIOR…” Isaiah 43
Today, we are constantly being fed reasons to fear.
The economy
The government
Making the wrong decision
Not being in control
Not being significant
Father has redeemed you.
He knows your name and He uses it.
You are not alone…ever.
You are treasured.
You are significant
“You have not received a spirit of slavery leading you back into fear again, but you have received a spirit of sonship, adopted by God, and you can cry out “Daddy Daddy.”
Romans 8:15
And, when we cry out He hears our cry and takes action.
So, cry out to Him right now…
You have been prayed for today.
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