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Monday Devotionals

Thank You

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Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and THANK HIM for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

From the heart of Paige Henderson…

“Living thankfully is a holy idea whose practice brings life into what looks like destruction, power into what could be resignation, the building of faith into the moments that might otherwise be overlooked.
Thankfulness is the expression of what we believe. When what we believe about God’s character is challenged through circumstances, our faith grows.

Thankfulness tethers us to what we believe about God: that He’s good, that He’s sovereign, that He works all things together for good, that He is for us, that He has a plan to prosper us.

The things we believe are activated through experiences that test the mettle, stretch the fibers, calibrate the systems.

Faith becomes sight when thankfulness turns the light on. Being thankful is the salute to the ranking officer, the tip of the hat in respect as we walk away with treasure in pocket, the lesson is learned, the forgiveness is given, the insight is gained. You are Who You say You are, God. Your word is true. I see it clearly. Thank You.

“Thank you” ends the grief, the pride, the lingering regret, the oppressive resentment. It is the period on the end of the faith building sentence.

“Thank You” is our applause to Father.

Let’s be clear: resignation is not thankfulness.

Acceptance is not thankfulness.

Being thankful is not a scheme to distract God from the real contents of your heart and mind.

Thankfulness cannot be worn like a mask to hide the red eyes, the salt-stained cheeks, the furrows in an unbelieving brow.

Thankfulness isn’t polite or what nice people do when they’re exhausted.

Thankful doesn’t come because the story turned out the way you imagined or you got the part or got the job or got the person.

Thankful isn’t born of pleasant times and pleasant people. Easy thanks is pasty thanks.

No, we who ride on the Almighty’s shoulders bring a sacrifice of praise, and offer to God that which costs us everything. We step outside of the debris field, look at it square in the rubbish, dab the bloody spots, choose to see what’s salvageable, spot the eternal things and the Eternal One and regain His perspective with a hearty “thank You”.

“Thank You” resets us to the wholeness of The Kingdom.

“Thank You” opens the door to the full expression of what we believe.

“Thank You” moves us out of the mud and onto The Rock.

“Thank You” gives us a chance to grow and change.

“Thank You” nails regret and resentment shut.

“Thank You” reminds us of Who He is and what we are not.”

Pause – say “thank you” – live in peace…

You have been prayed for today.

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