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Monday Devotionals


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“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” – 1 Corinthians 15:57

I recently found myself captivated by a college baseball World Series game. It was an elimination match, where one team had led the game from the start, establishing a seemingly insurmountable lead by the last inning.

Faced with just three outs away from a loss, the trailing team went up for their final bat.

Four runs later, they walked off the field not as losers, but victorious winners.

Throughout the game, they never once conceded defeat. They embodied being “steadfast and immovable,” even when the facts suggested they were losing.

In a post-game interview, one of the players revealed that, during the game, their spirits never plummeted because they had visualized themselves as winners already!

This is where our confidence resides. Regardless of what we perceive around us, we know Jesus has already clinched victory.

As a result, we can be “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,” in the knowledge that in the Lord, our labor is far from futile.

Take a moment to meditate on the triumph Jesus has already achieved. He’s already won, and because He has, so have we!

Reflect on this for a moment.

Express your gratitude to the Father for your victory too.

Are the facts suggesting you’re losing? Go ahead, write down the facts. Make them crystal clear so you fully comprehend them.

However, remember this:

Even if the facts indicate that you’re losing, it’s not the end! Ask the Father to guide you on what to do with each fact you’ve written.

The work you’re doing today is meaningful!

Every action you take today has significance.

It either contributes to the good, or, well… not so good.

What are you going to do with today?

Choose right now to walk with God today.

Choose right now to be filled with the Holy Spirit today.

Choose right now to follow the Spirit who just filled you!

Express your thanks to the Father right now that Jesus has secured victory, and that you ARE steadfast and immovable.

Now, live as if this is all true.

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