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“…whatever one sows, that will they also reap…don’t grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6

I had been harmed by someone.

I was fuming.

I don’t mean a little ‘you got your feelings hurt’ type of thing. I mean a malicious character assassination. The worst part – this came from a close friend.

Father took me into a vision. In this scene I was sitting in a REALLY big combine. Air conditioned cab, stereo and GPS positioning. As I drove, the harvester gobbled up a 50 foot wide track.

“Look around,” He said.

I looked up and as far as the eye could see in every direction was a nearly harvested field. Row after neatly cut row.

Then I looked down and saw that I was wearing a seed pouch, and I had just taken a handful of seeds and was preparing to spread them into my newly harvested dirt.

“You are almost done harvesting this field,” He said, “are you sure that you want to plant those seeds?”

In this moment, I realized that the field that was very near completion had been filled with the huge harvest of bad seeds that I had planted through the years.

Every loss of temper, every curse, every lust, every theft, every jealousy, every harsh word. The list went on and on and on. And, I was nearly done with the harvest.

Then I saw that the seeds that I held in my hand were seeds of anger, resentment, and hate toward the person who had attacked me. JUSTICE seeds. REVENGE seeds. They were waiting eagerly for me to throw them into my field where they could bear MUCH fruit.

“Are you sure that you want to plant these seeds in your beautiful, newly harvested field?”

“NO,” was my passionate, instantaneous response.

I absolutely did not want to harvest any more bad fruit coming from bad seeds planted by my own hand.

That day I made a choice to be careful of the seeds that I sow into the field that I am going to harvest.

I made a choice to carefully plant good seeds and as a result only harvest good fruit.

Here’s the truth: we WILL harvest what we plant.

If you plant tomatoes you aren’t going to harvest anything but tomatoes. Beg, cuss, pray, weed…the promise is still there. Whatever you plant, you are going to harvest.

If you have planted bad seed, this is a harsh, painful truth.

Stop right now and ask Dad for help to get through the painful days of harvest.

Ask Him to give you the courage that you need to maneuver through the season of reaping what you have sown. Ask Him to go before you and minimize the impact of your bad choices.

And now, choose to only plant good seeds.

Ask Him for help.

He LOVES to help us when we ask.

You have been prayed for today.

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