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Monday Devotionals

Outside The Box

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Four men brought a paralyzed man to Jesus.  Since they could not get to Jesus because of the crowd, they dug through the roof and lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven. – Mark 2:4-5

Jesus’ reputation was getting huge! He needed arenas for His teaching and healing times, but you didn’t see many arenas during this time.

Sometimes, word got out that Jesus was in someone’s home. These unpublicized appearances always overflowed their spaces with people wanting to be close to Jesus.

Four men heard Jesus was there, and they believed that He could heal their paralyzed friend. That’s all we know. We don’t even know their names. The only thing that we know about the paralyzed guy is that he needs help! Maybe he was on death’s door, or his pain was terrible.

They arrived to find the door blocked and people spilling into the yard.
In those days, the house would have had a flat roof with outdoor stairs.

They brainstormed for a minute and came up with a plan…Cut a hole in the roof!

A hole! In the roof! Of someone else’s house!



So the four carried their paralyzed friend to the roof. They laid him to one side and started pulling off tiles and digging through the clay roof.

They somehow located the hole so that, when lowered through it, their friend ended up right in front of Jesus.

Jesus stopped teaching. I see Him looking at the paralyzed man then up at his friends peering down from the hole above and smiling.

In an instant, Jesus saw everything.

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” (Mark 2:5).

These four uninvited, untrained, unsophisticated guys, decided that getting their friend in front of Jesus was worth whatever it took. That Jesus was worth destroying someone’s roof…that getting in front of Him was worth whatever trouble they got into as a result.

4 loving friends “getting outside the box”.

Jesus responds to simple faith.

We don’t need complex systems or fancy buildings or years of intense study before we can get in front of Jesus.

We just need faith…and maybe a few good friends.

What are you willing to do to get in front of Jesus?

What are you willing to do to get your family in front of Jesus?

What are you willing to do to get your friends in front of Jesus?

Your business?

Jesus changes everything.

Do whatever it takes to get in front of Him RIGHT NOW.

Do you have a need?

Do you have a worry?

Do you need wisdom?

Whatever the issue in your world – get in front of Jesus!

If what you have been trying hasn’t been working for you, get outside the box, and get in front of Jesus.

You have been prayed for today.

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